Bill Gates once said, “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” Well, since Bill made this statement the world has since become a global village. As a result, it has become expedient for brands, politicians, and movements to include the digital world in campaigns. The tool/process used in including the digital world is what is known as digital marketing.
Digital marketing is the process through which you connect with and convert onlookers into customers/devotees. The average Nigerian spends over four hours on the internet daily but considering how saturated the digital world is a lot of data gets swiped past. To ensure your data does not end up in the ‘swiped past’ category, engaging a digital company in Nigeria is the way to go.
Well, you may be in the ‘do it yourself’ category but here are three reasons why you should engage a digital marketing company:
- Targeted marketing: In Nigeria, there are media houses that make traditional modes of marketing stressless. However, as great as traditional modes of marketing are you have no control over who sees them. The same is not the case with digital marketing. With digital marketing you can target your prospects using variables such as age, interests, location and more. The added advantage of engaging digital marketing companies is that based on your products/services, a digital marketing company already knows who your prospects are, how best to snag their attention and get them on your side.
- Cost efficiency: Digital marketing allows you to track your marketing progress. It enables you to see what platforms or methods convert and what platforms you should walk away from. For instance, there was a time in Nigeria when 2go and BBM were the rave. But now, they exist in the past with all other things that have had their prime. Engaging digital marketing companies in Nigeria, will help you know where to spend your resources and when to make transitions.
- Increased visibility: This is very important if you are contending with industry giants. With digital marketing, you do not have to worry about not having sufficient resources to run multiple commercials. A digital marketing company gives you visibility and that is as good as oxygen in the digital world.